
Valentines, Healthy Me and Money!

 We start out by making some fancy calendars with heart symmetry for the new month.

Some great ideas for Heart art then drawing.

We practice a lot on white boards before we are ready to take them home on paper.

Our Valentine's Day Party is really simple. I have the kids bring one for each friend with only thier own name on it in the from spot. Then we sit in a circle and take turns putting one in each friend's container. We make containers at school the day before and they are a simple heart envelope that hangs around their neck by a string. They choose one to eat and then the envelope goes in their back pack to take home the rest. 

We've been playing store with play money and a cash register all year but now we are looking at them in more detail. We see what faces are on them and what different things they put on the backs. We learn how to play heads and tails, read books about them and sort them into big piles!


The quarter is by far the most interesting. It has our nations bird, the eagle. We get to see a real eagles in a nest with a camera feed on it. Here is the link.

We talk all month about Love. Love for our families, our friends, and our selves. One of my favorite topics are germs. We learn how to wash our hands effectively and make some interesting discoveries.

We learn how to wash our hands long enough to sing the alphabet twice and that only warm water can get them off. They are pretty sticky, and invisible! It's a great time, their faces are priceless. We talk about all the different foods we need to stay healthy and strong and why Mom and Dad don't let us eat lots of treats.

As for loving others we go through the manners again that we learned at the beginning of the year. We talk about listening to Mom and Dad. Saying 'Yes Mommy' and 'Yes Daddy'. We always use a nice voice and never yell or say mean things to our family. Also, we talk that way to our friends in school and when we do we are showing them love. It's a nice reminder.